Customized B2B Chat (Live Chat & Slow Chat)

You can communicate and send inquiries to products or companies of interest.

Live Chat

Did you find it difficult to schedule time to communicate with your foreign trade partner?
Now, schedule a meeting time in advance and communicate in real time.

You can click the Live Chat icon to check the recent list, and efficiently manage conversations with convenient features provided by Live Chat.

Real-time communication

Real-time read check

You can understand the real-time reading status of your partner, so you can communicate effectively

Schedule a meeting

You can schedule the next meeting time, access the scheduled time, and chat with your partner in real time.

Smooth communication


You can attach images, documents, and audio files.

Bookmark settings

Double-click the message by clicking the Bookmark Settings button.

Support request

You can ask for help from tradeKorea matching experts during the conversation or consultation process.
* Only you can know the details of the support request, not the other party.

Add Products

You can send other product information registered on tradekorea

Convenient chat environment

Fold and unfold product information

Expand the product information to check it, and fold it to use the dialog window widely.

Friendly function description

You can execute the necessary functions during chatting by clicking the icon, and you can check the tooltips explaining the function by mouse-over.

Check Chat Status in List

You can check your chat status in the list

Waiting to be accepted after sending a chat (inquiry)
We have received a chat request. Accept and start chatting
Live Chat
A conversation is in progress by chatting with a partner
  • Partner does not want to chat.
  • Even if you are not chatting, you can have a conversation in My Inquire by Send method.

Slow Chat

Even if it's a bit slow, familiar chats like traditional email are also available.

Use the familiar way

If you write a message on the inquiry page, the inquiry is sent to the partner, and the partner accesses the Trade Korea site and writes an answer.

Live Chat

No Data

  • There is no data to load
  • Check out the My tK > My Inquiries list.
  • After agreeing to the use of the Live Chat service, the list is printed only when there is at least one history of receiving or sending a Live Chat request.

If you have not yet agreed to use the Live Chat service,

You can use the Live Chat freely after agreeing to the use of the Live Chat service.

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